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NERDS RULE INC. T.R.I.B.E Ambassador from Madhya Pradesh, India

Excited to welcome our NERDS RULE INC. T.R.I.B.E Ambassador from Madhya Pradesh, India #GlobalGoals#fridayvibes

NRI Ambassador Ayadi Mishra #Madhya#PradeshIndiaStrong

My city is drowning while my own country, India, has recently been at the centre of most climate change conversations and interactions. We have also encountered serious obstacles in recent times, such as floods in Bangalore, a heat wave in Delhi, and regular inundation of Mumbai, which I have personally been impacted with. I have had to move away due to the indirect effects of climate change leading to the loss of my place. The fact that India has gained significant leverage as a result of its large emissions, socioeconomic challenges, and leadership position in pioneering the climate justice argument makes it extremely relevant today.

Youth like me and my fellows play an important role to change current scenarios and push for the needed change in our world. In last week's UNCTAD meeting I remember thinking if we as youth had more opportunities and a larger voice in the bureaucratic forums, we could drive change for our planet and raise the voices of the people actually suffering....and that is the simplest reason I know to be applying. Stay tuned and watch what I create for my community as a NERDS RULE INC. T.R.I.B.E Ambassador. #climatechange#leadership#community#like#mumbai#bangalore#change#delhi#opportunities#india#people#people#youthdevelopment#makingadifference#climateaction


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